Kingdom Ministry - Father to Son (Part 1)

Aug 21, 2024    Jesus M. Ruiz

With all the hustle and bustle of life that we experience today, it is a very rare and treasured jewel to find a spiritual father in one's life. The reason may be that we are so distracted in this life that we don't devote ourselves wholly to the LORD. We have not realized that the reason why we have not grown much in Him is because we have not submitted ourselves to the spiritual father that our heavenly Father has chosen for us to rear, train, and equip us for kingdom ministry and mature adult livelihood.

Watch and listen as we search the scriptures to see the pattern of kingdom ministry - "Father to son".

Due to technical difficulties on Aug 28th, Part 2 was not recorded. However, You can catch up by listening to it from Our Father's Heart's website with the following link: - Kingdom Ministry - Father to Son (Part 2).